Daystar Junior School Kirombe
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Daystar Junior School Kirombe

Lusaka Kirombe Zone 5

Nursery & Kindergarten Primary

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About our school

Our Mission/Vision

Our mission
To introduce valuable lessons to all children to achieve their highest potential.

Our Vision: 
To teach all Children the Relevant Education and Life Skills they require to Successfully Function in the World Today.

Admission Overview


Registration for admission for the new academic year commences in January of each year and is the first step in the procedure. Parents seeking admission for their children are to go to the school and register. The school will notify the parent on availability of vacancies in a desired class for which admission is sought for.

Admission procedures laid down by the school administration are strictly adhered to as given below:

1. All Children joining Daystar Junior School are subjected to oral and written interviews.

2. Age Guidelines

Baby Class children registering for their first academic year will have to be 3-4 years old. The policy will take effect from the beginning of the academic year 2015-2016.

Children for Primary Section must be from 6 years old.

3. Documents to be submitted with the Registration Form

Birth Certificate
Medical Report
Immunisation Card
Recent Report Card 
3 Passport Photos for the child
2 Passport Photos for the parent/Guardian

Fees Structure

Admission Fees - 0 Ushs

School fees range - 0Ushs to 0 Ushs


District: Kampala

County: Makindye Division West

Subcounty: Makindye Division

Parish: Lukuli

Address: Lusaka Kirombe Zone 5