School data
Unbiased and updated daily, we offer a one-stop-shop for all key statistics.
We add new information on schools every day and refresh all the data on the site every
month so that the information is reliable, accurate and trustworthy.
Our school data includes essential exam results and performance data from primary and secondary levels of education.
Easy to read statistics
We offer the simplest school information interface with clear,
concise graphics that mean you don’t have to spend time deciphering graphs and tables or trying to figure out how to see the latest information.
Clear dials and percentages are key when it comes to understanding core performance data and SchoolsUganda features a clean and clear design
to make it easy for you.
Intuitive and straightforward, we also cherry-pick the official data to show the most important statistics as well
as a detailed deep dive into school performance to bring you the headline statistics parents can rely on.
You can easily read the data so you can compare your options easily and use SchoolsUganda as your number one school finder.